SID CAESAR: Woman Getting Dressed [PANTOMIME] (YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS VERY rare sketch)

2017-08-05 12

NOTE: No date is available for this sketch, which has only been released on very rare out of print VHS/Betamax tapes. My undying gratitude to KJH, the uber-fan .
Another classic musical pantomime by Sid and Imogene. Ive seen this many times and still laugh just as hard at the violin incident and Sids valiant attempt to .
Another masterful Caesar-Coca pantomime. Their physical comedy as they both go for the same seat is hilarious, as are Imogenes attempts to get Sid to .
NOTE: No date is available for this sketch, which has only been released on very rare out of print VHS/Betamax tapes. My undying gratitude to KJH, the uber-fan .